Michele fell into financial services while completing the graduate program at a large law firm. While it wasn’t her first choice, it was a stroke of serendipity as she found financial services law suited her curious nature and penchant for problem-solving to a tee. Since then, her career has covered a wide spectrum of businesses in the sector, from in-house corporate governance and regulatory affairs roles at Mercer to the fast and furious start-up space.
While working in a dynamic start-up Michele discovered she enjoyed finding new ways to fit square pegs into round holes – something most fintechs have to do when finding their place in our complex regulatory framework. So it’s no surprise that she’s found her sweet spot at The Fold. Michele loves nothing more than breaking apart new products so she can understand them from first principles. This approach helps her then navigate exactly where in the regulatory puzzle that product fits.
While our clients appreciate her broad experience covering everything from regulatory advice and remediation programs to corporate advisory and product distribution, it’s her personable nature that we love. She’s genuinely interested in building relationships, not transactions. Michele doesn’t just ask you questions to make small talk, she actually wants to know what makes you tick.
If you really want to get to know her, that’s best done over a meal at one of Sydney’s up and coming new restaurants. When she’s not exploring new taste sensations, she’s singing along to her favourite musicals – a spoonful of sugar might even get her to sing a song from Mary Poppins for you. She also enjoys engaging her creative side, which lately involves practising finger painting with her young son.
Imagination is more important than knowledge
Cracking a complex problem wide open
Connecting with people
Regulatory advice and solutions
Her amazing family and friends
Making the most of life’s ups and downs
Her career pivots
Bachelor of Commerce, UNSW, 2006
Bachelor of Laws (Honours), UNSW, 2006
Certificate in Governance Practice, Governance Institute of Australia, 2014
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